Maysedergasse 5, A-1010 Wien
Sun-Wed 11:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. | Thu-Sa 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.


Brain-busting questions with drinks & good times.

Is your head full of random trivia knowledge? Are you a pro at answering hard questions like – “’I told you I was sick’ are the words carved onto whose gravestone?” – while becoming slowly intoxicated?

Crossfield’s popular pub quiz is a great reason to grab your brainiest friends and head out on a weeknight. 

The Hard facts:

Happening every Monday night starting at 8pm, Crossfield's hosts its pub quiz that has earned a cult following over the years. 20 questions, presented both in German & English, are put to teams made up of quiz junkies and good timers who were looking for something fun to do on a Monday night.

Monday 24th MARCH, 2025, 8pm

5st Round Jackpot

All Questions correct worth €350

Jackpot Trolley contains of:

8 x Resin Montage XPA

12 x Beaver Duck IPA 0,33

4 x Hazy Jane Guava IPA 0,33

2 x Kattus Rose Prosecco 0,75

4 x Resin Paradox Pale Ale

4 x Resin Sandon Lager 0,33

6 x Ottakringer Citrus Radler

1 x Winza Gin 0,5

1 x Klopfer Blueberry Ice 0,7

1 x Cinzano Vermouth

Rosso 0,7

1 x Grabner & Schierer St. Laurent 0,7

6 x Berliner Luf Eisbonbon Shot 0,02



The Team with the most correct answers wins A Crossfield's Voucher worth €60,-

  • To make the competition fair and exciting, teams can unfortunately not be bigger than 6 members. If space or empty tables are available, we will try to split up big groups into smaller groups. If this is not possible, teams with more than 6 members are allowed to play, but will be exempted from winning any prizes.
  • Questions will be asked in both English and German, and answered in both English or German.
  • Zero marks will be given to answers not written clearly in pen and team names that cannot be read or are considered bad taste by the trivia master will not be announced.
  • A team would be considered cheating if one or more members of the team uses a mobile phone, any electronic communication device or reference material of any kind. This includes previous Trivia questions, diaries, newspapers and sharing information between teams.
  • To preserve Crossfields Trivia nights as a fun, fair and recreational competition, any team been found cheating will be disqualified from the round and will be unable to compete for any prizes for one subsequent round.
  • Any teams found cheating more than once, will be unable to compete in any future Trivia Competitions hosted by Crossfields.
  • If the winning result is shared by two or more teams, a play-off between those teams will take place and a winner declared at the discretion of the Quiz Master.
  • The final decision on any matter relating to the competition will rest with the quiz master and that decision will be respected.
Booze and a brain-busting quiz night with an awesome atmosphere sounds good to you?
Book you and your mates in for the next quiz night by filling out the reservation form below and start thinking up your cheeky team name!